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Resolve "Schedule Symptom Checks for specific dates"

Noel Simmel requested to merge 694-schedule-symptom-checks-for-specific-dates into main

Closes #694

Don't be scared off by the many commits, I kept them as small as possible to make the review easier! It's actually not that big of a change.

  • Renamed the existing ScheduleConfig to PeriodicScheduleConfig
  • Introduced SporadicScheduleConfig fulfils the issue requirements
  • Updated the Schedule class to handle both types of configs
  • Updated SymptomCheck to filter SCs according to the schedule


I checked Repose, PAT and HCP and didn't find any bugs with the scheduling.

Play around with ReposeSymptomCheckStore.

Currently, there are 2 SCs: The first one is sporadic (= new), you can change the schedule to match/not match the current week. The second one is periodic (= old) and daily. So clicking "Today's Questions" should bring up 1 or 2 SCs depending on the configs.

Merge request reports
