Add card slider view for patient questions
I implemented the changes from the check list given in the issue:
Questions have a green gradient (colorCategory: view) in the background, -
unless it is the question with the id rcc-curated-default-00-daily-note
then the background should have a blue gradient (colorCategory: share) -
The background behind the slides gets a color (colorCategory: create) -
There are gaps between the slides: make it 1rem -
The gap between the first/last slide and the border of the screen should be 2rem -
All slides have rounded corners (0.5rem) -
Set the width of the slides such that there is always enough space for a thin stripe (ca 3rem) of the next slide on the right – if there is one. -
Add a slide counter at the top left of each slide: {question number}/{number of all questions for today}
However there's still other things in the design that are missing. Am I right in assuming they'll be done in another issue / other issues?
Closes #357