Resolve "C_017_R1 Check that questions exist before loading static symptom check"
requested to merge 1292-c_017_r1-check-that-questions-exist-before-loading-static-symptom-check into main
Closes #1292 (closed)
I used a toast here as well to be consistent with existing code. However, we should discuss toasts vs alerts in #1302
Please also see my MR updating error codes:
- Import
in PAT base features - Remove a question from
- Simulate scanning a static QR code via https://localhost:4200/data?d=ewogICJwcmVDb25maWd1cmVkU3ltcHRvbUNoZWNrIjogInN0YXJ0ZXJfc3ltcHRvbV9jaGVjayIKfQ
Previous behavior: The scan success modal was shown Behavior now: No scan success modal, error toast instead
Edited by Noel Simmel