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Resolve "Initial SymptomChecks"

Hanhoan Truong requested to merge 1162-initial-symptomchecks into main

For review

Note: This only works on the PAT side of the app

  1. Please review #1128 (closed) first
  2. Add MockStaticRccPublicRuntimeConfigModuleas an import on base-features.module.ts of PAT
  3. Use this base64 string eyJwcmVDb25maWd1cmVkU3ltcHRvbUNoZWNrIjoibmFtZV9vZl9hX3ByZWNvbmZpZ3VyZWRfc3ltcHRvbV9jaGVjayJ9 as params (/data?d=). // This base64 contains the object:
{ "preConfiguredSymptomCheck": "name_of_a_preconfigured_symptom_check"}
  1. A modal should pop up saying that questions were received (Like when sending a SC via QR code)

Closes #1162 (closed)

Edited by Hanhoan Truong

Merge request reports
