I_002 Pat Answer Page User Guidance | Remove Refresh and Update Interaction
When a PAT uses the application, the main features that are used are the answering questions page and the view data page. This epic focuses on improving the user guidance for the Pat Answering Questions Page. In reviewing text and guidance, usability requirements were also updated. This issue focuses on improving the user's experience of removing an answer
What to do
Remove delete answer button (See button_to_remove image) -
For all multiple choice answers, when a user clicks the already selected answer, the answer is removed or set to none -
For a digit question, when a user back spaces their answer to nothing, the answer is removed and set to none -
For a slider question, when a user clicks the answer on the slider, the answer is removed and the slider point is set back to the center as empty -
Revise Toasts -
Toast when a PAT answers a question for the first time: success green -
EN: Your answer was saved. -
DE: Deine Antwort wurde gespeichert.
Toast when a PAT chooses a different answer: success green -
EN: Your answer was changed. -
DE: Deine Antwort wurde geändert. -
Note: this is a N2H please check with Elisabeth after researching how difficult this would be
Toast when a PAT removes an answer using the interaction above: grey -
This was done in issue #1364 so please check that nothing changed -
EN: Your answer was deleted. -
DE: Deine Antwort wurde gelöscht.
figma link
Edited by Elisabeth Kress