Answer Order Uniform | Yes No Value Indicators
Users have given feedback that the order of questions and the non-uniform placement of yes / no or high / low answers makes them have to infer why this is. So, we have a package of revision tasks to make sure the app is uniform, intuitive, and users have the needed amount of information to set up questions and understand graphs easily.
What to do
For yes/no answer type questions, we will add the indicator of the value of the answers onto the HCP interface in the set-up of the self-monitoring.
Add value indication back into the interface for yes/no questions (See work: #1126 (closed)) -
DE: 0: nein 1: ja -
EN: 0: no 1: yes
Check that these value indications match the stored values with the answer positions as intended -
When an HCP edits the answer options, these indicators are not part of the editable text -
When an HCP adds the question to the therapy follow-up with the submit button the indicators are not in the answer options on the preview card -
Message Katrin or Elisabeth for any questions -
Please update any e2e tests that are affected
Edited by Elisabeth Kress