Bug: Offcanvas for principal menü is not correctly rendered
🐜 Bug report
about: Short explanation The offcanvas gets rendered with internal scrolling bars and it affects usability of the internal menu items.
Version Information
I'm seeing this behaviour on
iOS device -
Android device -
Chrome -
Firefox -
Safari -
Edge -
What is the expected behaviour?
The offcanvas should not have any scrollbars -
The contents should be clear to work with without using scrolling.
What is the actual behaviour?
See images and videos below
The width of the menu should be determined by the widths of the content. The menu in broswers where the verticle scroll takes space should be wider than those that don't.
The space between the main menu entries (those with icons) and the information entries (AGB/Daten) should compress until the padding of the entries is met: then the verticle scroll is enabled if there is still not enough space.
- Open the app
- Click on the burger button
- The offcanvas menu shows up but it becomes scrollable and its contents are not easily seen.
Edited by Elisabeth Kress