Resource explanation text
The resource and crisis page in the nav bar has a toggle component between the 2. At the top of the crisis page is an informaiton paragraph about what a crisis pass is. We would like add something similar for the resources.
What to do
When a PAT enters the "edit resources" mode we want a text header
Ressourcen sind Aktivitäten, mit denen Du aktiv Deine eigene Gesundheit förderst. Jede Person hat andere Stärken, Hobbies und Vorlieben. Diese Liste ist ein erster Vorschlag. Am besten passt Du sie an und probierst aus, was sinnvoll erscheint. Du kannst Aktivitäten streichen und Deine persönlichen Ressourcen hinzufügen.
Resources are activities with which you actively promote your own health. Each person has different strengths, hobbies and preferences. This list is a first suggestion. It is best to adapt it and see what makes sense for you. You can delete activities and add your personal resources.|