(Re-)Add missing icons
🆕 Feature
Affected app variants: PAT, HCP, Study
Currently a lot of icons are missing - in earlier days they were provided from Ionic.
As they are no more we need to add missing icons.
Acceptance Criteria
Icons are added again
Ask design and then add the icons.
A list of missing icons which were used in ionic - they might already exist or not be used - check it!
['back', 'arrow-back'],
['add', 'add-outline'],
['new', 'add-outline'],
['search', 'search-outline'],
['filter', 'search-outline'],
['create-from', 'duplicate-outline'],
['actions', 'ellipsis-vertical'],
['active', 'checkmark'],
['apply', 'checkmark'],
['backup', 'exit-outline'],
['chart', 'analytics-outline'],
['calendar', 'calendar-outline'],
['close', 'close'],
['delete', 'trash-outline'],
['dev', 'bug-outline'],
['edit', 'pencil'],
['end', 'play-skip-forward-outline'],
['export', 'open-outline'],
['fill', 'create-outline'],
['home', 'home-outline'],
['language', 'language-outline'],
['menu', 'menu-outline'],
['negative_feedback', 'close'],
['next', 'caret-forward-outline'],
['notification', 'notifications-outline'],
['pause', 'pause'],
['positive_feedback', 'checkmark'],
['previous', 'caret-back-outline'],
['qr-code', 'qr-code-outline'],
['query', 'pencil'],
['reminder', 'alarm-outline'],
['remove', 'remove-circle-outline'],
['restore', 'enter-outline'],
['revert', 'refresh-outline'],
['scan', 'qr-code-outline'],
['schedule', 'time-outline'],
['select', 'albums-outline'],
['select-items', 'list-outline'],
['settings', 'settings-outline'],
['share', 'share-outline'],
['start', 'caret-forward-outline'],
['time', 'time-outline'],
['unknown', 'alert-outline'],
['update', 'arrow-up-circle-outline'],
['view', 'eye-outline'],
// Items,
['entry', 'reader-outline'],
['question', 'help-circle-outline'],
['symptom-check', 'list-circle-outline'],
['report', 'reader-outline'],
['session', 'people-outline']