Clean up Page: "Active Session"
The HCP/PAT now are in a realignment session and the PAT has sent their health data and symptomcheck to their HCP. The HCP receives 2 data sets (or more in the future/repose study) but 2 main ones for now 1. Therapy Follow-Up (Symptomcheck) 2. Report (logged answer helath data). This issue focuses on the page layout and userflow from where the HCP can do the main things they need to with the Report and Therapy Follow-Up.
What to do
We are updating the theme/user journey of sessions: home screen which is only on the HCP facing app.
When "Therapieverlauf öffnen" is triggered at the end of PAT - HCP transmission streams (both streams), curerntly this new page is opened.
Button Updates
Large Action Button changes: "Diese Sitzung beenden" -
Button changed to medium action button -
Theme is new normal/default (see settings and Backup&Restore) -
Placement under remains under the item tags which are updated in another issue
Remove Large Action Button "Neue Sitzung starten" -
Remove Symptomcheck teilen Action button -
Add Medium Action button "abbrechen" -
Abbrechen takes user to home page -
Theme hcp secondary -
Abbrechen does NOT remove/close active symptomcheck/report but keeps data in hcp app
Header cleanup
Remove Offene Sitzungen header, company logo, and hamburger menu -
2 text line header placed on page: -
Date line -
Pat session information title
Add cancel x same as navbar as this is a page with no header - x takes user to home page "in use"