Next: Backup & Restore icons and theming changes
Within the nav bar, the Backup & Wiederherstellung main page on entry has already been started. We are continuing with some next theming updates and touch ups.
What is to be done?
This issue is only about finishing the redesign of the backup and wiederherstellen page. This includes the coloring and icon but not the reorganization of features behind the buttons
- new theming colors need to be used RC Grey Default is needed for the large action buttons
- Rc Text light is used for the hover
- Add action button "Backup übertragen" which will have functionality added in issue #518
- Update 3 new icons as seen in the layouts: (careful to use the new larger icons which match the large action button icon sizes as before not the small icons that are in the other figma screens)
- Update the wording to match the layout (if needed)
Clickup: HCP:
Edited by Andreas Pittrich