HCP QR code presenter for self-monitoring sending
Original Observation:
Current: The qr-code presentor has been implemented as a full screen page and not a modal (as in the designs). However, the logo and nav buttons seem to be available and active to the user. When they are pressed the page "changes" in the tab site and when abbrechen is pressed the user is directed to the underlaying pages navigation (the home page/open nav bar instead of the preview page) but the code page still remains open as if it were a modal.
What is to be done?
- Remove the header (logo and menu) from the QR code modal and all the other modals this change might effect. Modals should not have logo and menu on them.
- In desktop mode keep things in an overlay box rather than having the modal span full screen.
Some of the layout have the logo and menu still on the header of modals. Sorry about that, that's a left over. We try our best to mention that if it is meant to be ignored in the issues.
Edited by Andreas Pittrich