Impressum update: Pilot Version Information
Current: Impressum has no information or indication about the effects or possible issues with using the pilot 0.9 in development version
Why pilot and not beta - pilot is in the recovery cat contract with the pilot clients and is more accessible to users who are not familiar with tech versioning.
Desired: Add new section into the Impressum about this
Verwendung der Recovery Cat Pilot-Software
"Die Kooperation zwischen Recovery Cat und dem Kunden erfolgt im Rahmen einer Pilotphase zur Testung der Dienste. Während der Pilotphase übernimmt Recovery Cat keine Haftung für den Verlust oder die Beschädigung der von Behandlern oder Patienten gemachten Angaben, während oder nach der Übertragung zwischen den Endgeräten."
Using Recovery Cat Pilot Software
"The cooperation between Recovery Cat and the customer is in the context of a pilot phase to test these services. During the pilot phase, Recovery Cat assumes no liability for lost or damaged information provided by practitioners or patients, during or after transmission between terminals."