BUG: Data Transmission not possible | WebSocket failure: timeout rtc channel
🐜 Bug report
about: Short explanation The symptom check transmission doesn't work for me anymore. I receive "Transmission failed" and a console error (see below). The current production versions work for me though.
I initially noticed this behavior on Nov 18 when merging main into repose-export. I thought something had gone wrong with the merge, but yesterday (Nov 24) I realized it also occurs on the current main branch (that was on commit 930ad2da). The last version I know to work is ec35b70d from Oct 7.
Version Information
Software | Version(s) |
Windows OS? | 10, 11 |
Linux OS? | |
I'm seeing this behaviour on
iOS device -
Android device -
Chrome -
Firefox -
Safari -
Edge -
Opera 92
What is the expected behaviour?
The symptom check is transmitted successfully as usual.
What is the actual behaviour?
The HCP app says "Transmission failed", the PAT version shows a spinner indefinitely.
Steps to Reproduce
- Checkout commit 930ad2da
- Serve HCP version locally, I used my laptop with Opera
- Serve PAT version locally, I used my phone with Brave. I had the same behavior using pat.study.recoverycat.de though.
- Open a new session in the HCP app, select any template and share the new symptom check
- Scan the QR code with the PAT app
Any possible solutions?
I already tried restarting my local server and clearing browser data.