I_002 Pat Answer Page User Guidance | Notes Counting in Answer Cards
When a PAT uses the application, the main features that are used are the answering questions page and the view data page. This epic focuses on improving the user guidance for the Pat Answering Questions Page. In reviewing text and guidance, usability requirements were also updated. This issue focuses on how the notes question should be incorperated into the Answering Questions page.
What to do
The notes question should not be included in the question count or success criteria.
The notes card does not have the question count indicator at the top of the page -
For the final finished card, the total number of questions does not include the notes question (i.e. "Du hast heute 4 von 7 Fragen beantwortet." the count should not include the notes) -
The final finished card state which determines being "Almost done!" or "All Done!" does not inlcude the notes. (i.e. a PAT is still "All Done" when they haven't answered the notes question) -
Change the notes question category to: -
DE: "Notizen" -
EN: "Notes"
Notes toast has a special toast: success green -
EN: Your notes were saved. -
DE: Deine Notizen wurden gespeichert. -
Note: this is a N2H please check with Elisabeth after researching how difficult this would be
Add unit or change e2e tests
Edited by Noel Simmel