B_017_R5 Last Question Typos
Saif went through the entire app, question list and categories and found some issues/discrepancies between questions and the sheet. This issue focuses on the last few typos found in testing.
What to do
Hard code of the questions need to be updated based on the following typos issues still found and caught below! For each question update please make sure that you version the id, move the old question to the question versioning tab.
rcc-curated-default-01-daily-2: English value 3 yes makes no sense should be very -
rcc-curated-extended-0004-weekly-1: English value 3 yes makes no sense should be very -
rcc-curated-extended-0005-weekly-1 EN 2: moderately used for both daily and weekly -
rcc-curated-extended-0049-daily-1 add 'today' at the end of the question in en -
rcc-curated-extended-0068-weekly En "Did you feel.." -
rcc-curated-extended-0087-weekly En answers should be the same as EN daily answers in rcc-curated-extended-0011-daily-1 -
rcc-curated-extended-0157-weekly-1 en missing Centigrade (C) on scale option value 3 -
rcc-curated-extended-0171-daily-2 Schönes needs to be capitalized -
rcc-curated-extended-0173-daily-1 en should be healthily not healthy
One more to figure out:
Depricate rcc-curated-extended-0118-weekly -
Add 2 daily questions at the end of the epro list -
rcc-curated-extended-0019-daily and rcc-curated-extended-0043-daily -
Please check that question ids are not duplicates of old questions -
If we can't be sure please change the ids to the next highest digit
Contact Elisabeth for any questions or issues that are found -
Move old versions to the versioning tab -
Update the versions +1 last digit after -
Edited by Elisabeth Kress