Tends: Bug Investigation Answer Count, SP:X
There have been a lot of conversations about bugs in the trends and confusion. There was a deepdive into them with data and calculations to investigate what is and isn't work and how. They were correctly calculated back in September. So keep in mind that since we haven't changed the medical code - there could be an overarching issue that happened with the date calendar or pdf export or something that effected this but written down are the observations and expectations and hypothesis (when there is one) of what is wrong.
What is Happening
See the data set and images below: Only comparing on the weekly example has been investigated for the proposed hypothesis.
Questions effected: All
8 consecutive days of data is entered up to 21.03.2024 See backup data: trend_bugs.txt
Data example:
Answer Count for 8 days vs. 8 previous days expected to be: 8 - 1 = + 7 -
Answer Count comparison for 8 days vs. 8 previous days currently showing: + 6
Cannot figure out from the interface how this calculation is going wrong.